Good Friday

Good Friday We spoke a little of the dread which must accompany the readings for this week as we accompany Christ on his way to the Cross, or rather, or just as well, as we put it yesterday, as Christ accompanies us, for what this whole journey is saying; that …

Good Friday

Good Friday, 2nd April 2021 We live in disturbing times – and always have. The relative peace of other years can mask the fundamental drama at the heart of all living: whether to live for one’s own sake, only – for the sake of one’s own family, tribe or nation …

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday, 1st April 2021 Jesus is pushing up against the boundaries that make life so precious, that give life its meaning. We may think that such boundaries, all the limitations of mortality, mean that we should get as much out of each day and one another, as possible – …

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday, 11th April 2020 How then do we become like him in his death? By having been buried with him in baptism. But how does this burial take place?…First of all one must break with one’s life of the past…before beginning this second life, we must bring the first …

Good Friday

Good Friday, 10th April 2020 There’s been a series of programmes recently on the BBC iPlayer showing home movies from the Second World War, one largely of the conflict in and around Burma and two of Germany at war form 1939 onwards. All contain disturbing scenes of human suffering but …

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday, 9th April 2020 The NHS has been a powerful symbol of what service may mean to the point of death. As the current contagion passes over us, we see very clearly what matters in life. Those precious conversations with loved ones which may be the last; that last …