Monastery of Christ our Saviour


All Saints O.S.B.

All Saints O.S.B. 13th November 2021 We’ve tended to conflate All Saints OSB and All Souls OSB, in recent years, partly because we’ve already celebrated them, in a sense, within the feasts of All Saints and All Souls of last week and partly because we recognise, now, that it’s not …

Dedication of the Oratory of Our Lady of Peace, Turvey Abbey

Dedication of the Oratory, 5th November 2021 We’ve been fortunate, on the monks’ side, to have had our architect, Roger Forrester, living immediately next door and our builder, Richard Jackson, just across the road in Jack’s Lane. Roger, sadly, is no longer with us but it’s been an eye-opener watching …

All Souls Day

All Souls, 2nd November 2021 We said yesterday that other people become part of us – and we a part of them. This is true for us whether dead or alive. And it’s not just a question of memory or DNA but of a living tradition which transcends death: a …