Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Something of the immediacy of Paul’s conversion to Christ is being called for today. He thought he was serving the Lord but, like the hypocrites in the gospel passage, his exterior actions were misplaced, untrue, not according to God’s will. It happens to us all the time. We …

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday, 1st April 2021 Jesus is pushing up against the boundaries that make life so precious, that give life its meaning. We may think that such boundaries, all the limitations of mortality, mean that we should get as much out of each day and one another, as possible – …

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday, 28th March 2021 Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it. This is the physicist Neils Bohr on quantum theory. In contrast to this, I’m not sure I’ve ever understood theories of atonement and am still shocked by the …