
Situated in the village of Turvey, Bedfordshire, the Monastery of Christ Our Saviour is next door to the Priory of Our Lady of Peace, Turvey Abbey. The community, which was founded in 1980 by Dom Edmund Jones (+1985), belongs to the Benedictine Congregation of Our Lady of Monte Oliveto, and is a dependent monastery of Holy Cross Abbey, Rostrevor, N Ireland. The monks share daily worship with the nuns.
Johan Barber
It’s with great sadness that we have learnt of the sudden death of Johan Barber who did so much for us with organising retreats and keeping you all informed of events here. Further details will follow as we get to know more.
As a consequence I will need to start a fresh list of contacts, so if you would like to continue receiving news &/or homilies please let me know on turveymonks@yahoo.co.uk Br John
Brother Herbert Kaden
25th January 1921 — 1st October 2022
Br Herbert died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 101.
The community has no outside apostolate but welcomes guests of all denominations. Hospitality is offered to all who seek silence and time to reflect. Guests are welcome to share daily worship with the communities. The guest house can accommodate groups of various kinds and has facilities for self-catering.
Throughout the year the monastery hosts interfaith meetings and Christian/Jewish dialogue meetings.
One in Christ
The Catholic ecumenical journal ‘One in Christ’ is published twice yearly by the monks of Turvey and Rostrevor, N Ireland.
Turvey Centre for Group Therapy
Since their foundation the monks have established the Turvey Centre for Group Therapy. The Centre offers individual and group therapy and runs courses in conjunction with the Institute of Group Analysis (IGA).
Emmaus Village Carlton
The monks were instrumental in founding what is now Emmaus Village Carlton. Emmaus Communities offer homeless people a home, work and the chance to rebuild their lives in a supportive environment.